12.02.2024 Newsletters Doerner

Holiday Coping Strategies During Divorce

how to deal with divorce

According to the American Psychological Association, about half of all adults in the U.S. say they experience elevated stress during the holidays. About 43 percent say that it is enough to interfere with their ability to enjoy the season. If you have recently experienced an emotionally stressful event, such as a divorce, this time can be even more difficult. 

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to mitigate stress while coping with divorce. Keep reading to learn strategies for how to deal with divorce, so that you can enjoy the holiday season. 

Take Care of Yourself

The holidays are a notorious time of overindulging. Holiday parties and meals can bring people together and can be great for lifting your spirits. 

Just be sure not to overdo it. If you drink, do so in moderation. Enjoy good food with your friends, but keep things in check. 

Be sure you are getting enough exercise and sleep. Showing self-control in these areas can go a long way toward making you feel better physically and maintaining holiday emotional health

Set Boundaries

Socialization and connecting with friends can be helpful during a difficult time. Prioritize seeing people who support you, but also do not be afraid to decline invitations as well.  

If a cocktail party with mutual friends of you and your ex is going to be a net negative – if you will experience more stress than enjoyment – do not be afraid to decline. People who are truly supportive will not take it personally. 

Start New Traditions

Part of what makes the holidays special for many people is connections to others through traditions. When these customs become disrupted by divorce, it often leaves a void. 

Look at this as an opportunity to start new traditions. Plan a meal or party on a completely new day of the season. Think about traditions you had growing up that fell by the wayside during your marriage, and consider resurrecting them. 

Helping others is another way to start a tradition. Volunteer with an organization you support or simply give what you can to a family in need.  

Ask for Help

Fortunately, the stigma around seeking counseling has diminished in recent years. That is in part because people have realized the huge benefits it can have for navigating everyday life’s challenges. 

Speaking to a trained professional can provide a great deal of support during the holidays. They can help you sort through feelings and thoughts. A therapist can make recommendations for how to deal with divorce, like navigating difficult events. It can be an extremely useful tool for managing holiday stress. 

Learn More About How to Deal with Divorce

Now that you know how to deal with divorce during the holidays, you can put a plan in place. Taking care of yourself, being with people who support you, giving back, and asking for help are all great ways not just to get through the holidays, but to enjoy them.

Doern, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson has been serving the people of Oklahoma since 1896. We pride ourselves not only on delivering the highest quality legal representation available but also on understanding the unique personal needs of our clients, which informs what we do in the courtroom. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
